Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gestalt Logo

This logo from Mosleep is a favorite of mine. It uses gestalt imagery to create a bed with pillows in a quite clever way.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Focal Point

Focal point is important in photos and artwork. It helps the viewer focus in on what is important in the image. The iris blur in this image isolates the statue of Jesse Mercer in the center and makes it the point of attention.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Poster Design

The poster for the movie "Jaws" is very well designed. First, it centers the attention of the viewer with the black box around the centered picture. It also employs the use of perspective to show the relative size of a human to the size of the shark that the characters take on in the movie.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


My favorite designer from the movie "Objectified" is Dieter Rams. He is a German from Weisbaden, Hessen and has worked for Braun for a number of years. He designed this radio, as well as many other functional objects such as turntables, shelves, and scales.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Poster Project

For my poster project I have chosen Neil Armstrong. The main reason I chose him was because he has recently passed, and it is also the end of the space shuttle era, and a new space capsule era.

[Update: Finished Product]

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Commercial Artwork

This is not a normal example of repetition as we have studied in class; it doesn't use the repetition of an object to form a larger picture. It does, however, use repetition to convey a message: that everyone should drive a VW. Another important feature of this advertisement artwork is that is employs the use of a far perspective.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Gestalt in Action

In the Mirabell Gardens in Salzburg, Austria, the flowers are arranged in patterns representing a form of gestalt imagery. The flowers are arranged in no specific configuration to form recognizable objects but more to create a pattern that follows the shape of the gardens. I took the top picture in 2007.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


In this gestalt image, all of the shapes, rectangles, in this case, follow a certain direction to form a triangle. It is important that all the shapes converge to form a line that is normal to the triangles opposite side.